Has Nigeria achieved the benefits it expected from democracy?

Nigeria passed to civilian rule more than 20 years ago, but millions of people still struggle with various kinds of corruption, hunger, and economic problems. These problems did not be solved with democracy in Nigeria yet, maybe It is a clear indication that democracy can turn democratic power into power poisoning among uneducated peoples. Still, it cannot be denied that democracy reduces the country's chaos and illegal power race.

Has Nigeria achieved the benefits it expected from democracy?
Some African children.

Democracies in Africa are still very young and many geographies in Africa still bear the traces of colonial times. Some countries still cannot freely choose where to import their products. Especially the restrictions imposed by France when withdrawing from the colonies cannot be ignored. Make French the official language, provide education in French, or even import products only from French companies! Expensive products and insurmountable hunger! On top of that, democratic dictators!

Still, it is encouraging to see the seeds of democracy being planted in Africa. Similarly, Nigeria has been in the process of adapting to democracy for nearly 20 years. Muhammadu Buhari is trying to silence the people by banning social media instead of fulfilling the wishes of the people. People die in protests. The most important weaknesses of democracy seem to have manifested themselves in Nigeria. The government that comes with democracy gradually turning into a dictator with power poisoning. The situation in Nigeria is deplorable.

Mass kidnappings, attacks by criminal gangs, corruption, and unemployment have angered many. Widespread protests against the anti-theft police unit led to their deaths.

Nigeria has many internal resources. Oil is one of them. It has the largest population in Africa. Nearly half of Nigeria's population is Muslim. Muslims are the majority of the population. It has been enjoying democracy for a short time. Since then it has faced many challenges that threaten to derail its progress. People in Nigeria are urging the government to improve their lives.

More protests were held on Saturday after authorities banned the social networking website Twitter. Where is Nigeria heading?


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In this article post, Gofth gofther Gofther examines the concepts of nigeria, democracy, africa, products, french, protests and population. Check out other recommended posts for more news article content focused on politics.